Batman Comics: Batman: R.I.P.

Batman: R.I.P.

Batman: R.I.P.
As Tim Drake and Spoiler dealt with a Gotham "lashing-out "in the absence of Batman, Nightwing dealt with a conflicted Two-Face, The OUTSIDERS were forced to work under limited orders, and Oracle and the Birds Of Prey fought off a group of internet-based criminals and the Joker. Where was Batman?

In the beginning, he was preoccupied with the recovery of Catwoman's heart, as the demented Hush had cut it out and left her on a complicated machine to keep her alive. Once Batman recovered her heart and stopped Hush's twisted plan to take over Bruce Wayne's life, the Batman's life turned in a completely different direction.

The Batman of Zur-en-arrh

Bruce Wayne was dating supermodel Jezebel Jet, who had discovered Bruce was Batman relatively early in their relationship, and the revelation made the relationship easier for Bruce to handle. The two became very close. That was his first mistake.

Jezebel tried to convince Batman that he was just living a life he had fabricated in his own head as a child to cope with the death of his parents. This suggestion began to effect Batman's already strained psyche and he passed out when Jezebel said aloud a word that was on all the Bat-computer's screens: Zur-En-Arrh. As he passed out, Dr. Hurt and minions of his diabolical club, The Black Glove, infiltrated the Bat-Cave. They drugged Batman, beat Alfred, and wrecked havoc in the cave.

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